Parallel software auto-tuning using statistical modeling and machine learning

А.Yu. Doroshenko, P.A. Ivanenko, O.S. Novak, O.A. Yatsenko


Auto-tuning for complex and nontrivial parallel systems is usually time-consuming because of empirical evaluation of huge amount of combinations of parameter values of an initial parallel program in a target execution environment. This paper proposes the improvement of the auto-tuning method using statistical modeling and neural network algorithms that allow to reduce significantly the space of possible combinations of parameters values to analyse. The resulting optimization is illustrated by an example of tuning of parallel sorting program, that combines several sorting methods, by means of automatic training of a neural network model on results of “traditional” tuning cycles with subsequent replacement of some auto-tuner calls with an evaluation from the statistical model.

Problems in programming 2018; 2-3: 046-053


auto-tuning; software development automation; machine learning; neural network; parallel computing; statistical modeling


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