
Issue Title
No 4 (2023) Recurrent neural networks for the problem of improving numerical meteorological forecasts Abstract  PDF (Українська)
А.Yu. Doroshenko, R.V. Kushnirenko
No 3 (2023) Deeplearning-based approach to improving numerical weather forecasts Abstract  PDF (Українська)
А.Yu. Doroshenko, V.M. Shpyg, R.V. Kushnirenko
No 2-3 (2016) Application of deep learning and computer vision frameworks for solving video context prediction problem Abstract  PDF
D. Voloshyn
No 2-3 (2024) Human face recognition system in video stream Abstract  PDF (Українська)
S.V. Popereshnyak, R.O. Skoryk, D.V. Kuptsov, R.V. Kravchenko
No 1 (2024) Automatic development of deep neural networks for improving numerical meteorological forecast Abstract  PDF (Українська)
А.Yu. Doroshenko, R.V. Kushnirenko
No 2-3 (2020) Application of deep learning technology for creating intellectual autonomous machines Abstract  PDF (Українська)
O.S. Bilokon
No 2-3 (2024) Machine vision systems for detection of fast-moving objects in low visibility conditions Abstract  PDF (Українська)
L.M. Tovstenko, М.A. Kosovets, O.A. Tovstenko
No 2-3 (2020) The practical aspect of using the artificial intellectual technology for building a multidimentional function CFAR for smart-handled LPI radar Abstract  PDF
M.A. Kosovets, L.M. Tovstenko
1 - 8 of 8 Items

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