
Issue Title
No 4 (2018) Technological solutions for intelligent analysis of Big Data. Programming languages Abstract  PDF (Українська)
I.Y. Grishanova, J.V. Rogushina
No 2 (2023) Artificial intelligence in cloud-based mobile radar computing Abstract  PDF
M. Коsovets, L. Tovstenko
No 3 (2023) Research of software solutions for forecasting electricity generation and consumption in Ukraine that are based on machine learning methods Abstract  PDF (Українська)
I.P. Sinitsyn, V.L. Shevchenko, А.Yu. Doroshenko, O.A. Yatsenko
No 3-4 (2022) Some aspects of software engineering for AI-based systems Abstract  PDF (Українська)
V.V. Liubchenko
No 4 (2019) Application of machine learning in software engineering: an overview Abstract  PDF (Русский)
O.H. Moroz, H.B. Moroz
No 4 (2018) Use of ontological knowledge in machine learning methods for intelligent analysis of Big Data Abstract  PDF (Українська)
J.V. Rogushina
No 2-3 (2018) Parallel software auto-tuning using statistical modeling and machine learning Abstract  PDF (Українська)
А.Yu. Doroshenko, P.A. Ivanenko, O.S. Novak, O.A. Yatsenko
No 2-3 (2016) Machine-learning methods for text named entity recognition Abstract  PDF (Українська)
O.O. Marchenko
No 2-3 (2024) Neurosymbolic approach for attack detection in satellite communication systems Abstract  PDF (Українська)
O.S. Mostovyi
No 3-4 (2022) Extracting structure from text documents based on machine learning Abstract  PDF
K.A. Kudim, G.Yu. Proskudina
No 4 (2020) Machine learning methods analysis in the document classification problem Abstract  PDF (Українська)
A.P. Zhyrkova, O.P. Ignatenko
No 2-3 (2024) Forecasting electrical energy consumption for 24 hours ahead at country scale Abstract  PDF (Українська)
A.Yu. Doroshenko, D.V. Zhora, V.O. Haidukevych, Y.O. Haidukevych, O.A. Yatsenko
No 3 (2019) Big data platforms. Main objectives, features and advantages Abstract  PDF (Українська)
O.V. Zakharova
No 1 (2022) Recurrent neural network model for music generation Abstract  PDF (Українська)
O.C. Komarskiy, А.Yu. Doroshenko
No 2-3 (2024) Application of neural networks in OLAP-systems Abstract  PDF
G.Ch. Nabibayeva
No 4 (2020) Main Aspects of Big Data Semantic Annotation Abstract  PDF (Українська)
O.V. Zakharova
No 2 (2019) Using metadata to resolve big data problems Abstract  PDF (Українська)
O.V. Zakharova
No 2 (2019) Horizontal and Vertical Scalability of Machine Learning Methods Abstract  PDF (Українська)
B.O. Biletskyy
No 2-3 (2020) Developing a semantic image model using machine learning based on convolutional neural networks Abstract  PDF (Українська)
P.I. Andon, A.M. Glybovets, V.V. Kuryliak
1 - 19 of 19 Items

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