A method of tuning programs on .Net platform with rewriting rules

T.A. Mamedov, А.Yu. Doroshenko


Software tool for computation optimization that allows to optimize semiautomatically to increase execution speed was developed. Plugin for TermWare system, which implements the concept of rewriting rules, was developed. The plugin represents an analyzer for C# using Roslyn platform and generates terms for TermWare system from source code. The work of software tool was illustrated on «Conway's Game of Life» - famous academic example. A comparison of the results of processing the implementation of the algorithm using the TermWare system and the Eazfuscator.NET library was given. The results were obtained by experiments on various data sizes. Speed of the program before and after modifications, the number of modifications required in the source code to work with the system was measured. The developed system and Eazfuscator.NET framework were tested on personal computer.



cellular automaton «Conway's Game of Life»; autotuning; analyzer; speed measurement


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/pp2019.02.011


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