Development of access management methods to information from WIKI resources

J.V. Rogushina, I.J. Grishanova


The prospects and scope of Wiki technologies are considered, the structure of the content re presentation and MediaWiki software are analyzed. Considerable attention is given to architecture of MediaWiki and the components of this architecture. The problem deal with the need to access management to the content of Wiki-resources in accordance with the specifics of the information contained in such resources is identified. The results of the analysis show that the basic tools of MediaWiki are not capable to allow a satisfactory solution to this problem. Therefore, we need to create specialized software that is based on the content classification with the  use of separate namespaces, categories, templates and semantic properties extracted from MediaWiki. Such software has to be independent of the MediaWiki core and be based on programming of content analysis at the skin level. We test the proposed solution in the process of  development of the portal version of the Great Ukrainian Encyclopedia (e-vue) with use of  knowledge regarding the knowledge base structure of this portal.

Prombles in programming 2020; 1: 33-46


MediaWiki; Wiki resource; access management; Great Ukrainian Encyclopedia


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Great Ukrainian Encyclopedia,



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