A peer-to-peer topology and multicasting algorithm with guaranteed quality of experi-ence

O.V. Hordiichuk, O.S. Bychkov


Peer-to-peer applications such as BitTorrent solved a load problem of file distributing, but unfortunately these approaches are not suitable for video streaming due to a realtime data generation nature, heterogeneous behavior of peers and underlying network. The main challenge is to develop a robust topology structure and a fast dissemination algorithm that guarantees QoE (Quailty of Experience) for endusers. This paper presents a simple, but efficient and completely distributed topology constructing and data transmission algorithm that is called Tailcast. It is based on an idea of building tailed tree topology, which guarantees low stretch and reliability of the network. A delay penalty due to a peer churn doesn’t depend on a network size in the peer-to-peer system proposed in this paper and the dissemination algorithm provides fast video data transmission compared to existing solutions. Proposed system implemented using WebRTC protocol stack and could be executed in modern browsers. Achieved results demonstrate robustness and efficiency of the system.


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