Semantic annotation of Web-services

O.V. Zakharova


The importance of describing Web services at the processes level and of creating mechanisms for dealing with such descriptions is widely recognized. Defining and client’s understanding semantics of each elements of such process provides possibilities of their adequate selection and application. Usage and formalization of annotations opens the way to automated solutions of such complex Web services task as composition. In this article annotation role is defined. Semantics types submitted in annotations is considered in relation with existing Web-services problems on all their life circle stages. Web-service is considered both in terms of data, and of view of behavior. Main annotating stages are described. It is considered the problem of minimization of annotations as a mechanism to improve the efficiency of solving Web services problems. The place and the role of DL in web services semantization is defined.


semantic Web-service; de-scription logic; types of semantics; semantic annotation; process model; semantic Web-services composition; annotating stages; annotation file; minimization of annotations


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