Object-component development of changeable software systems

E.M. Lavrischeva, O.A. Slabospitskaya, A.Yu. Stenyashin, A.L. Kolesnyk


Complementary limitations of both Software Product Lines industrial technologies and Lavrischeva – Grishenrko object-component method concerning changeable software development are elicited such as the lack of formalisms for program assets building and ill predictability of this build features.

To cope with the limitations universal Model of Software Family Variant Features is proposed expanding its tradi-tional feature model for basic development artifacts. For assets being considered as reusable Components final Changeable Software Object-Component Model is elaborated including the universal model above being adjusted as Software Variability Object-Component Model. The Algebra is depicted for the operations of both the Components configuring and data types transforming over their interaction within changeable software system.

These operations are proposed to incorporate into the target process for Changeable Software Family proactive and informed Variability management being represented with its technological chart. The process proposed composes the functions for variability Planning, Implementing and Control as well as Family model/consist Evolving up to the Control results. The functions listed are performed within common information environment structured accordingly to Variant Features Model or its object-component adjustment.

Trial software tool for configuring Components in the above process is probed. The usage is depicted of both the framework proposed and this tool over technological lines being implemented in Software Systems Institute of NAS of Ukraine Instrumental-technological complex for changeable software configuring from the components.

Problems in programming 2016; 1: 03-16


object; component; object- component method; variability model; artifact; variability point; asset; variability model; configuration build


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/pp2016.01.003


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