Principles and analytical tools for reconstruction of probabilistic dependency structures in special class

O.S. Balabanov


We examine a problem of reconstruction of dependency structure from data. It is assumed that model structure belongs to class of "mono-flow" graphs, which is a subclass of acyclonic digraph (known as DAGs) and is super-class relatively to the poly-trees. Properties of the mono-flow dependency models are examined, especially in terms of patterns of unconditional dependencies and mutual information. We characterize the twin-association evolving among two variables. Specialized methods of inference of mono-flow dependency model are briefly reviewed. To justify correctness of model recovery from data we formulate an assumption of unconditional (marginal) edge-wise faithfulness, perhaps the most reliable one among all simple versions of Causal faithfulness assumption. On the basis of the assumption and the properties of mono-flow dependency models we derive several empirical resolutions for edge identification, which make use 2-placed statistics only. A lot of experiments with artificial data have demonstrated efficiency of the resolutions in that they correctly recover many edges and commit low error rate.

Problems in programming 2017; 1: 97-110


dependence structure recovery; mono-flow graph; unconditional dependence; empirical manifestation of dependence; empirical resolutions of edge identification


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