Methods of recognition by the agent of the unknown environment

A.L. Yalovets


The methods used by the agent to recognize an unknown environment are outlined. They include: a method for determining the distance to the nearest visible object and the coordinates of the intersection with this object of the beam (as a simulated direction of the agent's view) directed from the agent; the method of dynamically changing the gradation of the beam angle directed by the agent into the environment; a method for constructing a set of points belonging to objects of the environment visible from the point of the current location of the agent; the method of agent's summarizing a set of points with the construction of semantic map fragments of unknown environment; methods of recognition of the corners of rooms in the environment.

Problems in programming 2019; 1: 78-89


agent; unknown environment; semantic map


Yalovets A.L. Statement of problem of unknown environment recognizing, navigating and path planning by agent. Problems in programming. 2018. N 1.

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