Integrated open source metadata aggregation environment to support scientific research

O.V. Novytskyi


Metadata for electronic libraries is an integral part of the organization and access to digital resources. In this article, we explore common approaches to e-library integration, focusing on metadata analysis, protocols, and software. The types of metadata considered, such as descriptive, structural, administrative, preservation metadata, rights metadata, and technical metadata, reveal various aspects of digital resources. Various protocols and approaches to integration are considered, in particular the OAI-PMH protocol, which plays a key role in providing access and metadata exchange between repositories. An overview of software for integration using the OAI-PMH protocol is also provided, including a comparative table of characteristics of popular software solutions. This article helps to understand the importance of metadata and the effectiveness of its use to ensure access to digital resources in the modern scientific environment. The processes of extraction, transformation, loading, which can be used in the semantic integration of data through OAI-PMH, are described in detail. Software for the integration of electronic libraries and open access journals was also reviewed and key functions for creating an effective scientific environment were identified.

Prombles in programming 2024; 2-3: 408-417


integration of electronic libraries; metadata exchange protocols; oai-pmh; vufind; Dublin core


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