Semantization of WIKI resources: tools, advantages and implementation specifics
Proposed article analyses advantages provided by the semantization of wiki resources and the problems that need in solving for its practical implementation. We considere basic functional components of semantic search and specify this umbrella term for wiki technologies. Such search is grounded on structured queries that use semantic properties of information objects represented into wiki resources and possibilities of search language that states such queries. The criteria for evaluating search languages and means of semantic structuring of resource content are analyzed. We define additional opportunities that the use of the Semantic MediaWiki plug-in provides for the oresources built on the MediaWiki technological platform. The expressive possibilities provided by Semantic MediaWiki for building semantic queries are considered, the main components of such queries and their purpose are determined. Semantization of already existing wiki resources differs from the development of semantic ones, and we compare main steps of these processes and specifics of use the ontological model in them. This model provides an unambiguous interpretation of the relations between typical information objects represented into the resource, their properties and restrictions. Proposed approaches to semantization are tested on three independent information resources of different types that use the wiki technological platform for collaborative processing of distributed data and knowledge. They can be useful for making decisions about the expediency of semantization of information resources with different scope and purposes and for determining the most effective ways of implementing the chosen solution. We use the experience of developing the knowledge base of the wiki-based portal version of the Great Ukrainian Encyclopedia e-VUE that has a large volume, a complex structure and contains a large number of various heterogeneous information objects.
Prombles in programming 2024; 2-3: 434-440
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