About applicability of NATO logistics information systems in Ukraine

M.Y. Stepaniuk, I.P. Sinitsyn, O.V. Kotelia


The problem of implementation of Logistics information system (IS) for Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF), which meets NATO standards, is considered. Analysis of existing NATO logistics information systems and their applicability in Ukraine is performed. Science-intensive issues of logistics IS implementation are identified. The necessity of development of national mathematical support (models, methods, algorithms) of decision-making support in UAF logistics is defined. The application reasonability and feasibility of automation technology approaches of discrete technological and information processes control for decision-making support in logistics is substantiated.

Problems in programming 2018; 4: 101-110


decision-making support; logistics; defence planning; operational planning; Ukrainian Armed Forces; UAF; NATO; information systems; organizational management systems; mathematical models; mathematical methods; optimization methods


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/pp2018.04.101


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