TermWare3 – term rewriting system, based on context-term calculus

R.S. Shevchenko, A.Yu. Doroshenko


In this paper, the design of the TermWare-3 rewriting system which is built on the ground of reflective calculus of context term is considered. In the calculus of the context term, term structure contains not only tree, but a reference to an internal context and matching constrains (external context). This allows to embed operation of name resolving into the mathematical semantics of the term rewriting.  The elements of algebra are multiterms, which complement context terms by constructions of arrows, universal matching pattern and consistent set. This allows to emulate substitutions of typed variables in the terms of multiterm algebra. Also, the method of effective rule dispatch is described. Example of usage term re­writing system for checking of smart-contract properties, with automatic transformation of expression between representation in terms of Scala algebraic types and TermWare-3 context terms
is shown. 

Problems in programming 2019; 1: 48-58


automated software design; programming languages; term rewriting; type systems; code analysis; TermWare


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/pp2019.01.048


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