Innovative pedagogical computer technology optimization school community in the aspect of knowledge about the biosocial personality structure of its members

K.I. Kuzmina, T.M. Syomik, L.N. Sheremetova


The article discusses modern computer technologies to support the functioning of the school collective on the basis of an individual-typological approach to improve the efficiency of training and preserve the biosocial health of its members. From the standpoint of the principles of integrity, consistency, dynamism, rhythmology and interdisciplinary, the sociopsychophysiological dynamic portrait of the collective, its individual adaptation information space (IAIS) – a rational environment for life (design), was considered. The technological scheme offers for consideration fundamentally new service components: the biosocial culture of the student (knowledge of his adaptation capabilities), monitoring for the constant harmonization of the collective, a personologist – interdisciplinary, more responsible for the psychological climate of the environment. Individually typological approach to understanding the mechanisms of individual (rather than average) human adaptation, the tandem "professional competence – biosocial culture" together with active computerization can become a "breakthrough moment" in modern human knowledge and humanity, thereby significantly increasing the level of economic potential and culture of the country.

Problems in programming 2019; 4: 121-131


biosocial culture; individual-typological approach; health-saving computer technology optimization of the school collective; monitoring; personologist-interdisciplinar learning effectiveness


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