Models and methods for automated analytic support of the organization decisions field

E.P. Ilina, I.P. Synitsyn


The new approach to the computer support of the organization decision making processes is presented. It is based on the relevant results of the authors` earlier works and is aimed at a goal of integration of a new decision into the actual organization decisions system. There are three factors of the organization decisions field heterogeneity that manifest themselves in today organization. They are connected with coexistence of the different decisions classes (programmed and unprogrammed ones), with  the organization and stakeholders goals system incoherence and with difference of expert viewpoints to be used. The special ontological model of organization decisions area with the formal technique of decisions interrelations analysis is created as a base for the decision field harmonization. Its application to the intelligent information technology for organization decision making support is considered. The expert analytic processes for different decisions making stages based on the Diagnostic Value Tree Model are defined. The methods of the conceptualy compromise models and contexts forming for the expert decision making under the multiview expert groups are created. The results of the proposed approach application in the military strategic planning are characterized.

Problems in programming 2017; 3: 113-127


ontological model of the organization decision making area; proactive harmonization of the decisions; heterogeneous decisions system; expert analytic approach; Diagnostic Value Tree; conceptual compromise; intelligent information technology


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