Complex approach for state critical information infrastructure cyber defence system constructing

I.P. Synitsyn, P.P. Ignatenko, О.A. Slabospitskaya, A.V. Artemenko


Complex Approach for problems solving to enable Cyber Defence for State Critical Information Infrastructure Objects through best world and home practices, and also approved hardware and software and only software Cyber Defence Tools is presented. Cyber Security Guidance Intellectual Information Technology to effectively implement of this Approach is proposed. The Technology combines authors’ developments for Organizational Decisions (both expert-analytical and business) Making Support with advanced approaches for due Cyber Security Benefits and its violation Risks Management. Applying the Approach will help to improve Cyber Defence of State Critical Information Infrastructure.

Problems in programming 2017; 3: 128-148


cyberspace; cyber attack; cyber security; complex information defence system; cyber defence; intellectual information technology; organizational decision


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