Development of domain thesaurus as a set of ontology concepts with use of semantic similarity and elements of combinatorial optimization

J.V. Rogushina, A.Y. Gladun


We consider use of ontological background knowledge in intelligent information systems and analyze directions of their reduction in compliance with specifics of particular user task. Such reduction is aimed at simplification of knowledge processing without loss of significant information. We propose methods of generation of task thesauri based on domain ontology that contain such subset of ontological concepts and relations that can be used in task solving. Combinatorial optimization is used for minimization of task thesaurus. In this approach, semantic similarity estimates are used for determination of concept significance for user task. Some practical examples of optimized thesauri application for semantic retrieval and competence analysis demonstrate efficiency of proposed approach.

Prombles in programming 2021; 2: 03-15


domain ontology; task thesaurus; semantic similarity; combinatorial optimization

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