The task of digital transformation of the scientific information environment

V.O. Kopanieva, L.I. Kostenko, О.V. Novytskyi, V.A. Reznichenko


The article discusses the issues of building interoperable scientific and informational structures based on the use of modern information technologies. Tasks related to the creation of theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of the Ukrainian fragment of the global digital interoperable environment of scientific knowledge are defined. The importance of permanent and unambiguous identification of digital resources to ensure their availability and reusability is noted. A synergistic approach to building an integrated digital environment of publishing houses and libraries is proposed. Attention is paid to the need to create a cooperative cataloging center in Ukraine to ensure one-time entry of scientific data and their subsequent multiple and multifaceted use by all interested institutions. The need for a fundamental solution to the problem of functional interaction of the conglomerate of scientific and information structures is emphasized, which will require the development of a new generation of information systems in which the problem of interoperability will be considered one of the main ones. Ukraine’s successes in creating electronic repositories are noted.

The task of transforming functioning of the system «Bibliometrics of Ukrainian Science» into the National Bibliometrics of Ukraine is set. A conceptual model of National Bibliometrics is proposed.

Problems in programming 2023; 1: 03-10


information technologies; electronic information resource; resource identification; cataloging; interoperability; electronic repository; bibliometrics; conceptual model


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