Developing a conceptual framework for resilience in information systems

F.O. Korobeynikov


This study focuses on the development of a conceptual framework that delineates the resilience of information systems through the analysis of their key operational stages in the context of countering prevalent threats. These stages encompass preliminary security measures, active counteraction against threats, as well as strategies for adaptation and recovery following security breaches. The realization of this objective necessitates the identification and formulation of fundamental goals and objectives associated with resilience, which play a crucial role in the neutralization of potential threats and significantly influence risk management policies, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive analysis of the key functions of organizations. Throughout the research, special attention was devoted to the creation of models for resilient and non-resilient behavioral scenarios of systems and their responses to threats. The employment of the delta function facilitated a detailed examination of the stages of resilient response to threats, including the processes of adaptation and subsequent recovery. The work contributes significantly to the field of information security, presenting a multifaceted approach to advancing the resilience of information systems.

Prombles in programming 2024; 1: 96-102



resilience; data protection; information securit


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