Scientific research digitalization: R&D workstation environment for the telerehabilitation medicine research domain

K.S. Malakhov, T.V. Semykopna


The digitalization of scientific research has advanced significantly with the use of information and communication technologies, especially in the physical and rehabilitation medicine and its telerehabilitation area. The hybrid cloud platform for telerehabilitation medicine is implemented as a component set of services (hospital information system for rehabilitation, dialog information and reference system MedRehabBot, prognostic and analytical system for assessing the effectiveness of the rehabilitation process and services for optimizing rehabilitation process models) that function using an ontology-driven service-oriented architecture. One of the important advantages of this type of architecture is the ability to support research design systems, where the process of designing the target architecture is accompanied by a research process. The paper considers the general functional architecture of the platform (and technical requirements for it) in the form of three interacting subsystems: medical rehabilitation, information and analytical, and telerehabilitation. The architectural and technological organization of the platform was developed using a model that implements the improved concept of the Research and Development Workstation Environment. The main practical achievement is the implementation and introduction of this architectural and technological organization of the platform, which opens up new opportunities for telerehabilitation in medicine.

Prombles in programming 2024; 2-3: 400-407


hybrid cloud platform; telerehabilitation medicine; telerehabilitation; Research and Development Workstation Environment


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Diagram of the architectural and structural organization of the hybrid cloud platform for telerehabilitation medicine.



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