Functional stability of intelligent systems in decision-making

G.V. Shuklin, O.V. Barabash, A.B. Grebennikov


The article describes the concept of functional sustainability of intelligent systems in decision-making as one of the main aspects in the creation of methods for formalizing and modelling knowledge and the possibility of using it for decision support in the energy sector.The concept of functional stability was introduced for dynamic objects. However, for intelligent systems this concept is significantly different.This is due to the fact that the functioning of intelligent systems cannot be considered as the movement of an object. The functions of artificial intelligence for the creation of intelligent systems in the energy sector to support strategic decision-making on energy development, taking into account the requirements of energy security, are formulated. The use of the principles of situational management corresponds to the general scheme of research on the problem of energy security and strategic decision-making related to the assessment of the state of energy facilities and the fuel and energy complex as a whole, as well as the choice of the main directions of their further functioning and development. The article defines the parameters of functional sustainability of intelligent systems in decision-making and formulates the main characteristics of reliability, stability and survivability of intelligent systems, presents in graphical form the main aspects of functional sustainability of intelligent systems in decision-making, reflecting the basic concepts of situational management, including situational analysis and situational modelling from the perspective of studying the problem of energy security. The formulated concept of the functional sustainability of intelligent systems makes it possible to create algorithms for further use in the development of software for research and support of decision-making solutions in the energy sector.

Problems in programming 2024; 4: 89-98


functional stability; reliability; survivability; fault tolerance; artificial intelligence


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