
Issue Title
No 2-3 (2018) Use of semantic technologies for dialogue between labor market subjects Abstract  PDF (Українська)
S.M. Pryima, J.V. Rogushina, O.V. Strokan
No 2-3 (2020) Method of information obtaining from ontology on the basis of a natural language phrase analysis Abstract  PDF (Русский)
A.A. Litvin, V.Yu. Velychko, V.V. Kaverynskyi
No 4 (2024) Description of the web service process. Tabular interpretation Abstract  PDF (Українська)
V.A. Reznichenko, O.V. Zakharova
No 1 (2019) On the issue of automating the workflow design based on algebra-algorithmic and ontological tools Abstract  PDF (Українська)
O.M. Ovdii
No 2 (2017) Use of domain ontology for homonymy clarification into the natural language texts Abstract  PDF (Русский)
O.N. Lesko, J.V. Rogushina
No 1 (2019) Means and methods of the unstructured data analysis Abstract  PDF (Українська)
J.V. Rogushina
51 - 56 of 56 Items << < 1 2 3 

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