WEB-system for the level of regional development evaluation
This article focuses on the automation tools development for evaluating the socio-economic development of Ukraine regions. In this work we present a method for automated determination of integral indicators based on factor analysis and expert estimation methods is presented. The method application improved the calculation results reliability and the opportunity provided to analyze the relationships between indicators in terms of their impact on the general regional socio-economic situation. The information-analytical Web-based system for evaluating the socio-economic development of Ukraine regions has been developed and implemented. The Web-based system has a three-level architecture of technical tools and intended for processes automation of socio-economic level development evaluating of Ukraine regions based on expert-statistical method. The Web-based application is designed to work with three user groups and provides access to control elements depending on the access level of user.
Problems in programming 2020; 2-3: 22-30
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/pp2020.02-03.022
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