Author Details
Kudim, K.A., Institute of Software Systems NAS of Ukraine
No 3 (2015) - Еxpert and intelligent information systems
Development of integrated system of scientific periodicals based on the OJS
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No 1 (2017) - Еxpert and intelligent information systems
About technologies of use of external data on creating and editing of encyclopedic texts
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No 3 (2017) - Intelligent information technology
Functionality and Statistics of the use of the scientific digital library of periodical publications of the NAS of Ukraine
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No 2 (2019) - Models and facilities for data and knowledge bases
Methods and tools for extracting personal data from theses abstracts
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No 1 (2020) - Models and means of databases and knowledge engineering
A method for extracting data from semis-tructured documents
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No 3-4 (2022) - Models and facilities for data and knowledge bases
Extracting structure from text documents based on machine learning