Efficient increasing of the mutation score during model-based test suite generation

A. Kolchin, S. Potiyenko, T. Weigert


The purpose of the method is to increase the sensitivity of an automatically generated test suite to mutations of a model. Unlike existing methods for generating test scenarios that use the mutational approach to assess the resulting test set, the proposed method analyzes the possibility of detecting mutations on the fly, in the process of analyzing the model’s behavior space, by adding of special coverage goals. Two types of mutants manifestation are considered: deviations in the behavior of paths for (weak case) and in the observed output (strong case). A new algorithm is proposed for efficient search of a path with observable effect of a mutation.

Problems in programming 2020; 2-3: 331-340


testing; model checking; mutation testing

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/pp2020.02-03.331


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