Table of Contents
Theory and Methodology of Programming
A.Yu. Doroshenko, V.O. Iovchev
V.G. Kolesnyk
S.S. Shkilniak
R.A. Iushchenko
Programming distributed systems and Internet
S.V. Minukhin, A.V. Korovin
Testing, program reliability and quality
O.A. Slabospickaya, O.G. Moroz
Еxpert and intelligent information systems
A.L. Yalovets, V.A. Alekseev, V.S. Tereshchenko
A.O. Melaschenko, O.L. Perevozchikova, O.S. Skarlat
Software for secure information
O.M. Borovska, E.S. Rodin, I.P. Sinitsyn
Applied Facilities for Programming and Software
T.V. Aksnova
B.E. Panchenko