Shkilniak, О.S., Kiev Taras Shevchenko National University
No 2-3 (2016) - Theory and Methodology of Programming
Pure first-order logics of quasiary predicates
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No 2-3 (2018) - Theory and Methodology of Programming
Logics of general non-deterministic predicates: semantic aspects
Abstract PDF (Українська) -
No 2-3 (2020) - Theory and Methodology of Programming
Sequent calculi of first-order logics of partial predicates with extended renominations and composition of predicate complement
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No 3-4 (2022) - Theory and Methodology of Programming
First-order sequent calculi of logics of quasiary predicates with extended renominations and equality
Abstract PDF (Українська) -
No 2-3 (2024) - Theory and Methodology of Programming
Modal logics of partial quasiary pradicates with equality and sequent calculi of this logics
Abstract PDF (Українська)