
Issue Title
No 4 (2020) Implementation of mappings between the description logic and the binary relational data model on the RDF level Abstract  PDF
I.S. Chystiakova
No 2-3 (2018) Mapping of the relational algebra to the description logic Abstract  PDF (Українська)
І.S. Chystiakova
No 2-3 (2018) Logics of general non-deterministic predicates: semantic aspects Abstract  PDF (Українська)
M.S. Nikitchenko, О.S. Shkilniak, S.S. Shkilniak
No 2 (2017) Composition nominative modal logics of partial non-monotone predicates and their calculi Abstract  PDF (Українська)
O.S. Shkilniak, V.S. Kasianiuk, L.M. Malutenko
No 2-3 (2020) Sequent calculi of first-order logics of partial predicates with extended renominations and composition of predicate complement Abstract  PDF (Українська)
M.S. Nikitchenko, О.S. Shkilniak, S.S. Shkilniak
No 4 (2024) First-order logics with partial predicates for checking variable definedness Abstract  PDF (Українська)
S.S. Shkilniak
No 4 (2015) Semantic annotation of Web-services Abstract  PDF (Українська)
O.V. Zakharova
No 2 (2017) Binary Relational Data Model Abstract  PDF (Русский)
I.S. Chystiakova, V.A. Reznichenko
No 1 (2021) Mapping of the descriptive logic into RDF using binary relational data model Abstract  PDF
I.S. Chystiakova
No 4 (2017) Tasks for information security risks management in making-decision process Abstract  PDF (Українська)
Y.S. Rodin
No 1 (2019) Deviant truth-values algebras and deviant classes of general non-deterministic predicates 14 Software environment and tools Abstract  PDF (Українська)
O.S. Shkilniak
No 2-3 (2012) Multiagent models based on fuzzy logic of the highest type for a high-performance environment Abstract  PDF (Українська)
I.N. Parasyuk, S.V. Ershov
26 - 37 of 37 Items << < 1 2 

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