Provotar, O.I., Kiev Taras Shevchenko National University
No 2-3 (2012) - Applied Software
Деякі підходи до обчислення умовної невизначеності
Abstract PDF (Українська) -
No 4 (2012) - Theory and Methodology of Programming
New methods of descriptions for uncertain variables
Abstract PDF (Українська) -
No 4 (2012) - Theory and Methodology of Programming
Analysis of systems of fuzzy logic to approximate fuzzy functions
Abstract PDF (Українська) -
No 4 (2015) - Applied Facilities for Programming and Software
Clio-effect and Windows vs. Linux
Abstract PDF (Українська) -
No 2-3 (2016) - Intelligent information technology
Fuzzy probability and fuzzy events
Abstract PDF (Українська) -
No 2-3 (2018) - Models and means of databases and knowledge engineering
Credibility of fuzziness: theory and application
Abstract PDF (Українська) -
No 2-3 (2020) - Theory and Methodology of Programming
Elements of concrete algorithmics: computability and solvability
Abstract PDF (Українська) -
No 1 (2021) - Theory and Methodology of Programming
Comparison of the effectiveness of the Map-Reduce approach and the actor model in solving problems with high connectivity of inp data on the example of the optimization problem for a swarm of particles
Abstract PDF (Українська)