
Issue Title
No 3-4 (2022) Digital health systems: SMART-system for remote support of hybrid E-rehabilitation services and activities Abstract  PDF
O.V. Palagin, K.S. Malakhov, V.Yu. Velychko, T.V. Semykopna, O.S. Shchurov
No 2-3 (2016) Utilization of open Wiki resource user activity for ontological model development Abstract  PDF (Українська)
J.V. Rogushina, I.J. Grishanova
No 3-4 (2022) Applying Description Logics with Concrete Domains to Solve the Problems of Semantic Web Services Discovery and Composition Abstract  PDF (Українська)
O.V. Zakharova
No 2-3 (2020) Description model of programming style ecosystem Abstract  PDF (Русский)
N.A. Sydorov, N.N. Sydorova, E.N. Sydorov
No 2-3 (2024) Reverse synthesis of natural language phrases grounding on their ontological representation using a large language model Abstract  PDF (Українська)
V.V. Kaverynskyi, A.A. Litvin, O.V. Palagin
No 1 (2022) Use of Ontology-based knowledge Organization Sysytems for WIKI Resources Abstract  PDF (Українська)
J.V. Rogushina
No 2-3 (2024) About one approach to automatic creation of formal queries to ontological knowledge bases Abstract  PDF
O.V. Palagin, M.G. Petrenko, A.A. Litvin, M.O. Boyko
No 4 (2020) Toward software artifacts ecosystem Abstract  PDF
N.A. Sydorov
No 4 (2019) Use of thesauruses for search of complex information objects on Web on the basis of ontologies Abstract  PDF (Українська)
J.V. Rogushina
No 3 (2017) Use of ontologies for personification of semantic retrieval Abstract  PDF (Українська)
J.V. Rogushina
No 4 (2020) Application of ontological analysis for metadata processing in the interpretation of BIG DATA at the semantic level Abstract  PDF (Українська)
J.V. Rogushina, A.Y. Gladun
No 4 (2016) Methods and Models for Employment of the Expert Analytical Knowledge in Organization Decision Making. Part II. The Ontological relations and the decisions field coherency analysis Abstract  PDF (Русский)
E.P. Ilina
No 2-3 (2018) Research and development workstation environment: the new class of Current Research Information Systems Abstract  PDF
O.V. Palagin, V.Yu. Velychko, K.S. Malakhov, O.S. Shchurov
No 2 (2019) Problems of ontological analysis use for knowledge representation in Wiki-resources Abstract  PDF (Українська)
J.V. Rogushina
No 2-3 (2018) Theoretical principles of use of ontologies for semantization of the Web resources Abstract  PDF (Українська)
J.V. Rogushina
No 2-3 (2020) Experience of the semantic technologies use for intelligent Web encyclopedia creation (on example of the Great Ukrainian Encyclopedia portal) Abstract  PDF (Українська)
P.I. Andon, J.V. Rogushina, I.Yu. Grishanova, V.A. Reznichenko, A.M. Kyridon, A.V. Aristova, A.O. Tishchenko
No 2 (2017) The concept of intellectualized creation of service-oriented technologies of software development in the semantic web environment Abstract  PDF (Українська)
Y.I. Morentsov
No 2-3 (2020) Methods and tools for developing an information system for validation of non-formal learning outcomes Abstract  PDF (Українська)
S.M. Pryima, О.V. Strokan', J.V. Rogushina, A.Y. Gladun, A.A. Mozhovenko
No 2 (2017) Use of ontological knowledge by intelligent agents Abstract  PDF (Українська)
J.V. Rogushina
No 2-3 (2020) Context WEB-services matching as a means of search query. Ontological approaches Abstract  PDF (Українська)
O.V. Zakharova
No 2-3 (2018) Use of semantic technologies for dialogue between labor market subjects Abstract  PDF (Українська)
S.M. Pryima, J.V. Rogushina, O.V. Strokan
No 2-3 (2020) Method of information obtaining from ontology on the basis of a natural language phrase analysis Abstract  PDF (Русский)
A.A. Litvin, V.Yu. Velychko, V.V. Kaverynskyi
No 2-3 (2020) Ontological methods and tools for semantic extension of the media WIKI technology Abstract  PDF
J.V. Rogushina, I.J. Grishanova
No 2 (2021) Ontology-based semantic similarity to metadata analysis in the information security domain Abstract  PDF
A.Y. Gladun, K.A. Khala
No 3 (2017) Introduction of modern information technologies in scientific research of NAS of Ukraine Abstract  PDF (Українська)
A.G. Zagorodniy, P.I. Andon, I.A. Protsykevych
26 - 50 of 56 Items << < 1 2 3 > >> 

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