
Issue Title
No 2 (2022) 60 Years of Databases (part four) Abstract  PDF (Українська)
V.A. Reznichenko
No 2-3 (2016) Modeling technology based on fuzzy object-oriented Bayesian belief networks Abstract  PDF (Українська)
S.V. Yershov, F.V. Kostukevich
No 1 (2023) 60 Years of Databases (final part) Abstract  PDF (Українська)
V.A. Reznichenko
No 1 (2016) Game theoretic modeling of AIMD network equilibrium Abstract  PDF
O.P. Ignatenko
No 3 (2023) Novelty search in neuroevolution for end effector positioning Abstract  PDF (Українська)
A.Y. Vitiuk, A.Y. Doroshenko
No 3-4 (2022) Creation and test of applied software of network of wireless sensors for agriculture Abstract  PDF
V.O. Romanov, H.V. Antonova, I.B. Galelyuka, V.M. Hrusha, A.V. Kedych, O.V. Voronenko
No 2-3 (2020) Automated methods of coherence evaluation of Ukrainian texts using machine learning techniques Abstract  PDF (Українська)
A.A. Kramov, S.D. Pogorilyy
No 3-4 (2022) Features of building recommendation systems based on neural network technology using multithreading Abstract  PDF
N.O. Komleva, S.L. Zinovatna, V.V. Liubchenko, O.M. Komlevoi
No 3-4 (2022) The method for assessing the connectivity of nodes of wireless episodic networks under the condition of using unmanned aeral vehicles Abstract  PDF (Українська)
S.V. Valuiskyi, O.I. Lysenko, S.M. Chumachenko, O.G. Guida, O.V. Furtat, I.O. Sushyn
No 2-3 (2018) Parallel software auto-tuning using statistical modeling and machine learning Abstract  PDF (Українська)
А.Yu. Doroshenko, P.A. Ivanenko, O.S. Novak, O.A. Yatsenko
No 4 (2015) Parallel distributed system for social networks streaming data analysis Abstract  PDF (Українська)
А.Yu. Doroshenko, D.S. Titov
No 3-4 (2022) Flow based bonet traffic detection using AI Abstract  PDF (Українська)
B.O. Panchuk
No 3-4 (2022) Automated generation of programs for a class of parametric neuroevolution algorithms Abstract  PDF (Українська)
A.Yu. Doroshenko, I.Z. Achour
No 2-3 (2024) Mathematical methods of planning in systems consisted of rational agents Abstract  PDF (Українська)
I.P. Sinitsyn, A.Yu. Doroshenko, S.V. Pashko
No 3-4 (2022) Extracting structure from text documents based on machine learning Abstract  PDF
K.A. Kudim, G.Yu. Proskudina
No 4 (2023) Software package for adaptive training of robot controllers based on neural networks Abstract  PDF (Українська)
A.Y. Vitiuk, A.Yu. Doroshenko
No 2 (2022) Web service for enterprise resource management systems Abstract  PDF (Українська)
A.D. Tarasenko, A.Yu. Doroshenko
No 2-3 (2016) Automated development of a parallel distributed system for streaming data processing Abstract  PDF (Українська)
D.S. Titov, A.Yu. Doroshenko, O.A. Yatsenko
No 3-4 (2022) Organizational basics of operating digital platforms Abstract  PDF (Українська)
V.M. Gorbachuk, S.O. Gavrylenko, G.V. Golotsukov, M.M. Pustovoit
No 2-3 (2024) Development of the intelligent control system of an unmanned car Abstract  PDF
N.B. Dakhno, A.P. Miroshnyk, Yu.V. Kravchenko, O.O. Leshchenko, A.S. Dudnik
No 2-3 (2020) Causal inference from data. On some inadequacy problems of structures with hidden causes Abstract  PDF (Українська)
O.S. Balabanov
No 2-3 (2024) Application of neural networks in OLAP-systems Abstract  PDF
G.Ch. Nabibayeva
No 2-3 (2020) Application of machine learning to improving numerical weather prediction Abstract  PDF (Українська)
А.Yu. Doroshenko, V.M. Shpyg, R.V. Kushnirenko
No 2-3 (2024) Формальна верифікація нейронних мереж глибокого навчання Abstract  PDF (Українська)
B.O. Panchuk
No 3 (2017) Game-theoretic approach to the network security problem Abstract  PDF (Українська)
O.P. Ignatenko
1 - 25 of 33 Items 1 2 > >> 

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